Episode 56: Sam Isaacson

by | Oct 10, 2023 | Coaching outdoors, Highlights

“To be able to put on a headset and effectively go somewhere that is a lot more natural I think could bring a lot of the same benefits that being outdoors does, just through a different lens”

Sam Isaacson, aka global digital and coaching thought-leader, enabler, coach, coach supervisor and author of “How to thrive as a coach in a digital world” and “Superhuman Coaching – Ten technologies that expand coaching beyond what’s humanly possible”, joins us from a park in South Ealing, London to dispel the myths around AI, virtual reality and brain implants in coaching.

It’s a roller coaster ride from monsters hidden in redwood forests, tranquil Japanese gardens and travel high into orbit beyond the earth. We step back in time to meet Eliza the first chatterbot psychotherapist, dig deep into the science of awe and wonder at the magic of the real world.

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Our guest

Sam Isaacson is a coach and coach supervisor, and the founder of the Coachtech Collective, a global community of coaches grappling with cutting-edge technology.

He is also Chair of the Coaching Professional apprenticeship, the biggest coaching qualification in England, and writes a popular LinkedIn newsletter.

He has contributed several books and chapters to the coaching literature and works with the ICF and the EMCC on their thinking around technology.

Jonathan Passmore

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