Episode 55: Sarah Lawfull

Episode 55: Sarah Lawfull

“Nature can talk to us & teach us” Sarah Lawfull is the founder of Where the Fruit Is, based in Oxfordshire. Sarah is a professional coach, and Chair of the Forest School Association and Co-Chair of the Nature premium campaign as well as an endorsed trainer and...
Episode 53: Jenn Bauer

Episode 53: Jenn Bauer

“We imprint on water, our thoughts, our words, our energy, images are all imprinted on water. We dive into what it means to imprint on water and therefore how we engage with water, being that we’re mostly water ourselves” Certified in a number of modalities for both...
Episode 51: Joao Perre Viana

Episode 51: Joao Perre Viana

“Nothing beats the last eight years of my life when I have had the chance to walk side by side with hundreds of people from all backgrounds and nationalities” Citizen of the world, lawyer turned manager turned mentor; Joao Perre Viana is the founder of “Walking...
Episode 49: Jared Hanley

Episode 49: Jared Hanley

“Time in nature is a free accessible tool, with no side effects. We give nature a number.” Jared Hanley is a co-founder and CEO of NatureQuant, a research and technology firm building tools to assess and promote nature exposure. Prior to founding NatureQuant, Jared...
Episode 47: Marie Dove

Episode 47: Marie Dove

“I realised I’d lost a part of me; it was so amazing for me to come back to nature” Marie Dove is a nature-based women’s life coach and founder of The Campfire Community, a monthly circle for women who crave real, meaningful connection to themselves, each other, and...