Coaching Outdoors Live 2024 Highlights

by | Jul 17, 2024 | Coaching outdoors, Highlights

“I do feel this is the start of a new movement” – James Farrell

Following the huge success of the inaugural Coaching Outdoors Live event we will be sharing highlights from the day.

The morning after the event, in the beautiful grounds of Henley Business School, three of the workshop facilitators joined Anna-Marie to reflect on the event.

Diana Tedoldi posed some great questions to Toby Cowern, James Farrell, Anna-Marie and herself.

They reflected on the biggest insights and learning they took from the event, how the event has started a movement and what the future holds for Coaching Outdoors.

Toby used the metaphor of a boulder “Some events are seminal… I think this was less seminal and more seismic, we threw a big old boulder and it made a big splash”

James shared “The overall sense I was left with was just the hunger for, the interest for, people working in this space and the diversity of approach.”

Diana spoke of embodiment “Our brain, our system needs connection… I love embodied things like in person, so this is one of the real values I got from this.”

And Anna-Marie said that many people at the event described it perfectly as finding their Tribe “and it was a relief. It was a visceral, embodied “wow, yes, I’ve found my Tribe.”

Enjoy their reflections on the event and please share your own reflections and your key take aways on our LinkedIn community page here

More videos and photos will be shared from the event, so watch this space.

Thank you once again to all the workshop facilitators, the event planning team at Henley and all our amazing attendees.

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Our guest

Here is the full line up!

Lesley Roberts – Coaching with nature – Tools & Techniques, & Panel Guest

Diana Tedoldi – Ecosomatic Coaching: Coaching in Deep Synergy with Nature

Anna Brown – Coach Supervision With & In Nature, & Panel Guest

James Farrell – Planet & Person – Exploring Compassionate Coaching

Toby Cowern – Serious Nature Play

Paul Jefferies – Outdoor Team Coaching – Systemic Constellations, & Coaching Outdoors Podcast Live Event Co-Host

Karen Liebenguth – Embodied Practice – the Interconnected Dimension of Coaching Outdoors, & Morning Mindfulness Walk

Jonathan Passmore – Keynote on latest academic research on outdoor coaching

Lizzi Larbalestier MA PCC – Blue Health Coaching

Alex Staniforth – Panel Guest, Mind Over Mountains

Garry Pratt – Panel Guest, Creativity Factor

Anna-Marie Watson – Coaching Outdoors Podcast Creator & Live Event Co-host

Alexandra Burn – Coaching Outdoors Podcast Creator & Live Event Co-host

With Henley Business School’s stunning grounds and nature as co-facilitators, including the rose ringed parakeets no doubt!