“Bluebells are such a hardy little plant; underground for three seasons and then they come back in spring. Strong, vibrant, green… It’s magic”
Cat Boersma, former social worker, coach, founder of ‘Bluebell Coaching’ and outdoor person at heart works predominantly with members of the expat community in the Netherlands. We interrupt her two-month retreat to England to learn about her recent career transition from social worker to coach and qualifying as an ‘Outdoor Life Coach’ under Peter Kryger through the Atma Institute.
She shares her decision to take time out to resource herself amongst the English countryside in spring, why she always carries juggling balls or bubbles in her back pack and the challenges she’s faced setting up her business.
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Our guest
Cat Boersma helps Expats through Outdoor Coaching. Specifically Expats whom struggle to find their feet in the Netherlands, where she is based, or anywhere in the world through hybrid coaching. By taking her coachees off the beaten track and introducing them to coaching in nature, she introduces them to new horizons and new perspectives.
Cat has experience as coachee and as expat, that helps her to fully engage with her coachees. Her experience as a social worker for 20 years comes in hand with recognising the different stages of depression and what needs to be done to turn the tide on it.
Within the Expat community the standard of performing is sometimes so high that one loses track of the bar. By going outside, away from daily distractions, literally leaving all the worries behind when entering the forest, space is created to see opportunities to change the outcome.
By reconnecting Expats to nature and their inner child, the power to change is giving back to them.