Episode 67: Grattan Donnelly

by | May 28, 2024 | Coaching outdoors, Highlights

“We were sitting in one of those fishbowl offices and it was a beautiful summer day, and I could see the sun was shining outside, and my client was stuck. And I was probably stuck too.”

Grattan and Dr Suess his four-legged companion join Alex and Anna-Marie from their local coaching territory on Killiney Hill overlooking Dublin Bay and Dalkey Island. Self-described as endlessly curious Grattan’s fascination and perplexation by human beings has led him to craft a career as a Regenerative and Leadership Coach. He is also a teacher trainer and facilitator of the Mindfulness Based Sustainable Transformation (MDST) course with the Inner Green Deal (not-for-profit Leadership Development Organisation), Lecturer with Dublin Business School facilitating the Diploma in Coaching for Performance since 2014 and a member of the Climate Coaching Alliance.

Our interview explores how the legendary Sir John Whitmore shaped his early coaching career through three provocations, how his voluntary admission into a psychiatric hospital suffering from severe depression led to mindfulness that transformed his life, what unfurled from his decision to escape a fish bowl office and head outdoors on a beautiful summer’s day…and so much more…

***Warning – Please note Grattan displays enormous vulnerability during our conversation where we touch on his depression, experience during his voluntary admission at the John of God psychiatric hospital and suicidality***

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Our guest

We all know there are better ways we could be living and working. Better for our wellbeing. For our loved ones. Our organisations. Our communities. Our planet. If only we weren’t too busy to explore them.

As a Regenerative Leadership and Sustainability Coach, I support leaders to do their inner work first, so they are better equipped to navigate the complexities and uncertainties of these VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) times. I facilitate mission-driven teams and purpose-led organisations to develop and grow their collective wisdom and work in more sustainable ways that contribute to a better future for all stakeholders.

I work with leaders who want to be the best they can be for the world.

As leaders engage in the inner work, they develop a deeper appreciation and understanding of the interconnectedness of everything. And of the conditions, practices and skills for mindset shifts and transformational cultural change to happen.

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands, but in seeing with new eyes.” Marcel Proust

To do this work, I invite leaders to step back from the day-to-day ‘busyness’ of their lives, and into nature. Where they reconnect with themselves, the natural environment, and reassess what’s truly important in their lives. I support them to bring their unique gifts to life in service to their families, friends, organisations, communities, society, and the planet.

I work with CEO’s, sustainability leaders, business owners, social entrepreneurs, as well as leaders in NGO’s and Public Service organisations.


Founding Honorary Life Fellow of the Association for Coaching, Ireland (2007), Chair from 2013-2015

Associate Faculty with Irish Management Institute (IMI) on the Diploma in Executive Coaching (2014 – present)

Lecturer with Dublin Business School facilitating the Diploma in Coaching for Performance (2014 – present)

Teacher trainer and facilitator of Mindfulness Based Sustainable Transformation (MBST) course with Inner Green Deal (not-for-profit Leadership Development Organisation)

Co-facilitator of Courageous Coaching – having conversations that matter course, designed & delivered in Association with ReSource@Burren College of Art (2021-present)

Board Member Mindful Nation Ireland (2018 – 2022)

Qualified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Teacher (2017)

Country Director Potential Project (2014-2019) delivering Corporate Based Mindfulness

Training (CBMT) to large organisations

Climate Coaching Alliance Member (2020 – present)