Episode 68: Oliver Wirths

by | Jun 11, 2024 | Coaching outdoors, Highlights

“When you go up on a peak you have a great perspective. When you stand on top of that… it’s just the serenity, it’s like wow. And you can look so far. It gives you a very different perspective on life.”

Dr Oliver Wirths, based in Zurich, Switzerland, may have the most unique outdoor coaching technique we have discovered yet!

Oliver puts his qualifications as an alpinist to great use, taking his clients on journeys of self-discovery and change through the alpine forests and up into the mountains, to gain new perspectives and challenge their status quo. At the end of these alpine adventures, Oliver offers his clients the opportunity for the ultimate challenge, to paraglide in tandem with him back down to the base of the mountain. Bringing a whole new dimension to outdoor coaching…..flying!

Oliver’s journey has taken him from gaining a PhD in Economics and working in Strategy for Lufthanza, to qualifying as a coach and joining ONEDAY as an Outdoor Leadership coach.

Oliver shares many really insightful stories, explaining the benefits some of his clients have gained from spending time in the stunning scenery of the Alps; challenging themselves, learning how to relinquish control, trusting themselves and having fun, as well as what sort of skills and qualifications are needed to offer his unique blend of coaching.

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Our guest

Dr. Oliver Wirths is a Ph.D. economist with over 10 years of professional experience in a DAX30 company in the aviation industry, a long-time alpinist, and a certified coach (ICF).

In his ONEDAYS, Oliver combines approaches from corporate strategy development, the mindset of alpinists, and proven coaching techniques.

Every change starts in the human being and affects the human being. Therefore, the transformation of the person, respectively the team is always in his focus.

Oliver’s vast experience as a climber, strategy expert, and paragliding pilot gives his guests and clients many opportunities to reach new perspectives, leave their comfort zone, and effectively embrace change.

Jonathan Passmore

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