“In every walk with nature one receives more than he seeks”

John Muir (1918)

Meet the podcasters

Alex Burn

Alex Burn

Alex Burn Consulting

Anna-Marie Watson

Anna-Marie Watson

Reach For More Coaching

Countryside walk

Why take coaching conversations outdoors?

The benefits of spending time in natural environments is far reaching, from relieving stress and depression, to restoring our brain’s ability to think creatively and come up with new ideas.

In these podcasts we explore in greater detail the specific benefits of coaching outdoors in natural environments. Speaking with coach practitioners who have been coaching outdoors for many years, as well as specialists in areas such as eco-psychology, biophilia, nature connectedness and many more.

We really want to encourage coaches and coachees to consider taking their coaching conversations outdoors and hope these podcasts will inspire you to give it a try.

Latest podcasts

Episode 9: Diana Tedoldi

Episode 9: Diana Tedoldi

On today's podcast we are joined, from Italy, by Diana Tedoldi, a nature coach who founded the Nature Coaching Academy. With a love for the outdoors since she was a young girl, Diana combined this with her coaching and leadership development practice over a decade...

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Episode 8: Lizzi Larbalestier

Episode 8: Lizzi Larbalestier

Lizzi Larbalestier, Blue Health Coach at Going Coastal Blue, joins us for this episode to share her wonderful story of marrying her love for all things nature with her work as a coach in the Coastal areas of Cornwall. Lizzi talks about the importance of understanding...

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Episode 7: Rachel Woods

Episode 7: Rachel Woods

Rachel Woods joins us to talk fungi, flora, coaching and the contents of her backpack. She accompanies her coaching clients into the outdoors or brings outdoor metaphors indoors when mother nature throws up barriers. During training on her Masters in Behavioural...

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Episode 6: Cat Trebilco

Episode 6: Cat Trebilco

Cat Treblico, from Reach The Peak, joins us from Edinburgh to share her wonderful journey from working in the banking industry in London, to re-training as a Coach and moving to Scotland to persue her passion for outdoor coaching. Cat talks to us about how movement...

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Episode 5: David Clutterbuck

Episode 5: David Clutterbuck

On this Special Edition for Climate Coaching Action Day, we’re joined by the phenomenal David Clutterbuck. He describes himself as “one of the last men standing in coaching” having been involved in coaching and mentoring for over forty years. An avid scribbler, he’s...

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Episode 4: Nick Smith

Episode 4: Nick Smith

Nick Smith, founder of Square Pegs Coaching joins us from Glasgow to share his sense of freedom from being outside and how his background in outdoor education and youth work shaped the development of his coaching business working with leaders from the corporate...

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