Episode 67: Grattan Donnelly
“We were sitting in one of those fishbowl offices and it was a beautiful summer day, and I could see the sun was shining outside, and my client was stuck. And I was probably stuck too.” Grattan and Dr Suess his four-legged companion join Alex and Anna-Marie from their...
Episode 65: Leah Davies
“I describe nature as my co-host, it’s a facilitator in itself… I feel like there’s some sort of ease when I take people outdoors, that I’m not doing it on my own, that I’m in partnership with nature” Leah Davies, a Somatic Life Coach, joins us from Cardiff, Wales, to...
Episode 63: Ashley Crocker
“When did our relationship with rain change? We metaphorically played the idea of what it would look like to jump in those puddles, to be free again, to engage with the outdoor space in a childlike way” Ashley Crocker, Humanistic Counsellor and Transformational Coach...