“In every walk with nature one receives more than he seeks”

John Muir (1918)

Meet the podcasters

Alex Burn

Alex Burn

Alex Burn Consulting

Anna-Marie Watson

Anna-Marie Watson

Reach For More Coaching

Countryside walk

Why take coaching conversations outdoors?

The benefits of spending time in natural environments is far reaching, from relieving stress and depression, to restoring our brain’s ability to think creatively and come up with new ideas.

In these podcasts we explore in greater detail the specific benefits of coaching outdoors in natural environments. Speaking with coach practitioners who have been coaching outdoors for many years, as well as specialists in areas such as eco-psychology, biophilia, nature connectedness and many more.

We really want to encourage coaches and coachees to consider taking their coaching conversations outdoors and hope these podcasts will inspire you to give it a try.

Latest podcasts

Episode 33: John Farrell

Episode 33: John Farrell

“One of the questions is ‘and is there anything else?’, that’s a clean language question” New Zealander, John Farrell, joins us for this podcast episode which focuses on Clean Language and Equine Coaching – two very interesting topics. John got into coaching 20 years...

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Episode 32: Toby Cowern

Episode 32: Toby Cowern

“Nature literacy is the founding tenant of meaningful engagement with nature or meaningful immersion in the natural environment”Toby Cowern is a wilderness survival and bushcraft expert, tour leader and outdoor coach. He joins us for this podcast from the northern...

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Episode 31: Penelope Mavor

Episode 31: Penelope Mavor

"What is your compost?" Life. Death. Birth. Rebirth. Growth. Decay. The cycles of life and inevitability of change lie at the centre of our conversations with the remarkable Penelope Mavor. Through her business ‘Earth Converse’ she encourages individuals to move...

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Episode 30: Jonathan Passmore

Episode 30: Jonathan Passmore

“I can see niche markets evolving and I think that’s where there’ll be a variety and a strength; and coaching outdoors is one example of that” Professor Jonathan Passmore muses over the wider coaching profession reflecting backwards over 2021; then forwards into 2022...

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Episode 29: Robin Bowman

Episode 29: Robin Bowman

"Realising the transformative and powerful experience of feeling that resilience from being able to gather things from the natural world and provide for yourself…it’s a really important thing I try to encourage, that it’s not an exploitative relationship, that it’s a...

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Episode 28: Chris Grimes

Episode 28: Chris Grimes

"The ‘Clearing’ is an oxygenated space where anything is possible. It is linked to the improvisation mindset ‘’yes and…” I use this as a space to coach in"Comedy meets coaching with trained actor, teacher and comedy improvisation performer, Chris Grimes who blends...

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