Episode 19: Jacqueline Harris
“It’s just complete multi-sensory emersion” Jacqueline Harris has over 25 years of experience as a coach, with the last 15 of them taking her clients into the great outdoors. She joins us from the edge of a lake she often walks around with her clients. This podcast...
Episode 18: Catherine Gorham
"The shadow side of coaching"... Catherine Gorham, coach and supervisor who specialises in working with nature as co-partner joins us on a virtual bench enclosed within a beautiful woodland space. Placing psychological safety centre stage Catherine talks through the...
Episode 17: Christiane Frischmuth
What do Sacred Pauses, Wilderness Visions Quests and a true partnership with nature all have in common? They are all part of Christiane Frischmuth’s wonderful approach to outdoor coaching “These rituals always take place in nature, and there’s a reason for that” From...
Episode 16: James Canton
"We're not the first human beings to realise we feel more peaceful sitting next to a tree. People have known this for millennia. This is utter basics" Dr James Canton, author, Director of Wild Writing at the University of Essex and lover of oak trees, shares an...
Episode 15: Alex & Anna-Marie
On a beautifully warm and sunny day on the banks of Loch Fyne on the west coast of Scotland, we finally managed to record our first podcast together! In this episode, we share our insights into some topics that our listeners have asked us for more detail about....
Episode 14: Simon Hawtrey-Woore
Simon Hawtrey-Woore joins us from Regent’s Park in London. Simon has been taking his coaching clients outdoors for a number of years and shares his insights on the topics of permission, diversity and inclusion. Simon talks about his keen interest in the concept of...